Alternating Highlighting
I got some great feedback recently. First, magneticmail on GetSatisfaction suggested that I create two colors for Regex Hero's highlighting: an odd color and an even color. This had crossed my mind before but I hadn't really given it much thought. My initial concern is that introducing a new color could cause some confusion. What does the color mean? But after thinking about it, implementing it, and playing with it myself, I think it's simple enough. Once you actually write an expression that has 3 or more matches, it becomes obvious that the two colors simply alternate to provide some visual distinction. And the value that the visual distinction brings with it outweighs any potential confusion, I believe. So, thank you magneticmail for the suggestion. It's a simple change, but hopefully a change for the better. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.
Move to target string and start a new expression
This idea came from the author of RegexRenamer. The idea is to improve the workflow slightly when using the replace functionality to make incremental changes to a block of text. So you perform your replace operation, click the "Final String" heading, and then click "Move to target string and start a new expression". This will do just what it says, moving the final string to the target string, and clearing out the regular expression and replacement strings so you can start your next replacement operation.
Copy as a C# String or Copy as a VB.NET String
The .NET code generation feature has always created C# or VB.NET friendly code snippets, with properly escaped strings. Now you can actually grab properly escaped C# or VB.NET strings from any of the 4 subheadings: Regular Expression, Replacement String, Target String, or Final String.
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