I was planning this one for awhile. I just needed to set aside some hours to build it.
Code hinting has been available for regular expressions for a couple months. But now all pro users will see code hinting for the replace box as well...

You can see the named groups ${LastName} and ${FirstName} at the top of the list. My hope is that this will promote the use of named groups in regular expressions, rather than numbered groups. I think named groups have a way of better expressing the intention of the regular expression and to be able to select them from a list is pretty awesome.
Code hinting has been available for regular expressions for a couple months. But now all pro users will see code hinting for the replace box as well...

You can see the named groups ${LastName} and ${FirstName} at the top of the list. My hope is that this will promote the use of named groups in regular expressions, rather than numbered groups. I think named groups have a way of better expressing the intention of the regular expression and to be able to select them from a list is pretty awesome.
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